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Optima’s Thirty Things to Celebrate Turning 30

Hitting the big 3-0 as a business is no small feat. So, we’re taking a moment to celebrate this milestone with our team, clients, and the wider community. 

To mark the occasion, we’re challenging ourselves to do ‘Thirty Things’ in our birthday year to celebrate our 30th on 21 March 2025. It’s a tall order, but we’ve got a plan – a manifesto, if you will – on how we’ll celebrate, commemorate, and share our 30th birthday.

It's easy to say, "Let's do thirty things to celebrate," but life and work have a habit of getting in the way. Before you know it, you've only done nine things, hope no one notices, and move on. But no! We're making a firm commitment to see this through, and we'll be documenting our progress every step of the way.

This blog will record each of our thirty accomplishments – get ready to join us as we share the antics, activities and stories with you.

Image of our pub menu style manifesto for our 30 things for our 30th birthday blog on a windowsill with a spider plant in a pot next to it
Printed artwork on a pinboard showing celebrating 30 years 1995 to 2025

1/30: Offsetting our Emails

At Optima, we’re committed to reducing our digital carbon footprint as part of our broader sustainability efforts. Recognising the environmental impact of our digital communications, we’ve taken proactive steps to offset the carbon emissions generated by our emails.

While emails might seem harmless, their environmental impact is more significant than you might think. Each email generates around 4g of CO2 over its lifetime, as it’s stored and accessed multiple times across servers worldwide.

As part of our broader commitment to sustainability, we’ve partnered with to plant wildflower meadows near Stow, Lincolnshire, helping to offset the carbon produced by our outgoing emails.

We’ll regularly monitor our email volume and increase our planting efforts as needed to keep our communications as green as possible. This initiative is just one of the ways that as a business we are trying to operate more sustainably and reduce our environmental impact. 

Completed: August 2024

Graphic showing an open envelope with wildflowers on a white card with a 1 out of 30 things text - part of our 30th birthday celebrations for offessting our emails with wildflower meadow planting

2/30: Offsetting Our Carbon

Our commitment to sustainability has driven us to consider our company's carbon emissions and make efforts to offset this through eco-friendly practices and carbon offset projects. One significant step we’ve taken is planting 3,000 trees in Nepal, based on a detailed calculation of the carbon emissions generated by our business activities. We collaborated with the team at Evertreen to calculate our carbon footprint, covering everything from our studio’s energy use to daily operational emissions.

By planting trees in Nepal, we contribute to global reforestation efforts, helping to absorb CO2 and restore ecosystems. This initiative allows us to offset our carbon footprint and reflects our ongoing dedication to environmental responsibility. We plan to plant 3,000 trees every year if we can. 

Completed: August 2024

Number 2 out of 20 in Optima's 30 things showing trees covering the country outline of Nepal with a CO2 and down arrow to represent offsetting carbon by planting trees in Nepal

3/30: Optima Moss Art

To keep our commitment to sustainability front and centre in all our minds, we’ve installed living artworks made from moss, to serve as a constant reminder of the broader impact our work has on the world. The Optima ‘world’ icon, central to our business vision, is a key feature of these installations, symbolising our dedication and shared values. Optima’s ‘world’ represents our awareness of the space we occupy and the influence we have – on our team, our suppliers, our clients (locally, nationally, and internationally), and the planet as a whole.

Our moss wall art mounted in the meeting room - celebrating 30 years Optima Design - number 3 out of 30 things

This isn’t about marketing or greenwashing – it’s about doing what’s right for our business, our community, and our planet. We chose moss for this installation not only because we love the greenery it brings to our office, where we already nurture a collection of plants, but because of its sustainable qualities:

  • Low Carbon Footprint: Made from 100% natural, maintenance-free materials.
  • No Soil Needed: Prevents soil erosion and conserves resources.
  • Pesticide-Free: Naturally resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Energy Efficient: Helps regulate indoor temperatures, reducing energy costs.
  • Compostable: 100% natural and compostable materials.
  • Minimal Environmental Impact: Less impactful than traditional landscaping or greenery.

While we already as a business do more than most, achieving Carbon Zero is challenging, and we know there’s always more we can do. We’re committed to continually improving, and part of that journey involves working more closely with our clients and suppliers and engaging with them, to share their visions, goals, and journeys, and to collaborate in ways that benefit not just our businesses, but the world.

Completed: August 2024

Our moss wall art mounted in the meeting room - celebrating 30 years Optima Design - number 3 out of 30 things
A snapshot of our moss wall art mounted in the meeting room

4/30: Pizza Party

Friday 6 September 2024, saw us continue our celebrations of reaching 30 years.

This was no ordinary Friday, we were joined by Antonio Carlos Garcia, a renowned world pizza champion, who indulged us with his award-winning Neapolitan pizzas with all kinds of authentic toppings from the classic staples of margarita and pepperoni to his mouthwatering Franco Pepe and Vegetarian Ortolana pizzas. 

It's fair to say all our team enjoyed these world-class pizzas and of course, the pizzas were accompanied with perfectly paired wines and beers as we toasted three fantastic decades serving our clients.

Completed: September 2024


Next instalment coming November 2024