Bridge A brand strategy to connect with business for Lincolnshire’s new R&D hub
A striking identity to represent innovative R&D in engineering and materials science

Bridge is an engineering and materials R&D centre serving Lincolnshire’s science and technology sector.
Bridge is a self-sustaining, not-for-profit business operated by the University of Lincoln and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (GLLEP).
Bridge brings together scientific and engineering expertise and academic research and provides a bridge between academia and business in order to enhance the competitiveness of the region’s SME cohort. Our brand strategy encompassed defining a brand identity distinct from academia, underpinned with a clear mission and values. Part of the approach was to drop ‘the’ from the name. We favoured the awkwardness of ‘Bridge’ in singular, it prompts us to pause and consider the word; which reflects not one isolated connection point, but connection as a concept. This approach reflects well the interconnected nature of the business as it develops as a regional innovation hub.

Bridge’s digital marketing promotes the cutting-edge nature of the facility and how it can help businesses add value and create growth. Skills development and nurturing collaboration within the business community are also a focus of promotion.

Optima worked with Bridge to define and develop a clear brand vision and value proposition This process informed the identity, colour palette, visual language, brand hierarchy and synergy with partner logos. A new, energised brand voice was also developed and translated into marketing collateral as part of the new identity.
Bridge aims to deliver an R&D ecosystem and a physical facility for innovation in advanced materials. Optima has created a confident, energetic, modern brand identity which supports this vision and positions Bridge as an innovation partner and hub of excellence.
Optima are now working closely with Bridge to apply the new branding across online and offline marketing materials.