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World Heart Federation Helping heart health stay at the forefront of the global agenda

Optima developed the World Heart Federation’s online presence to better showcase the breadth of important work they carry out.

World Heart Federation website being displayed on a tablet device and a mobile phone

The World Heart Federation’s multi-site and brand refresh focuses on the vision of the organisation

World Heart Federation (WHF) brings together the global cardiovascular community to ensure cardiovascular health is at the forefront of the global health agenda. WHF unites heart foundations, scientific partners and patient organisations in working toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 – to reduce premature mortality from CVD and other NCDs by 33% by 2030.

Optima worked with WHF to completely update its web presence. We completed a restructure and redesign, which incorporated WHF’s successful campaign, training and education programme and scientific research websites into a single hub.


  • Website design
  • Front/back end development
  • WordPress multi-site
  • Language switcher


  • Global Health


World Heart Federation website example
WHF Statistics

20-language WordPress multi-site

+43% users Year on year growth 2021-22

+12% organic Traffic growth year on year 2021-22

WHF’s vision is to achieve cardiovascular health for everyone. This vision is driven by the belief that every person should have access to the information, care and treatment they need to keep their heart healthy, regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, education or income.

This focus on people and inclusivity is reflected throughout the design. The distinctive red of the WHF brand is balanced throughout the website design by the considered use of white space. The design employs emotive, non-clinical, human imagery, reflecting the global population, and supplementary icons and graphics to aid navigation and draw attention to key facts and stats, which are content-managed and updatable through the CMS.

The re-imagined website Optima designed showcases WHF’s activity across all areas of the global community – inspiring and training new leaders in cardiovascular health, providing access to up-to-date information and advice for healthcare providers around the world, highlighting the most significant risk factors to heart health and engaging with the public through various campaigns, including World Heart Day.

Managing all content centrally under one website means that WHF has risen to the number one ranking in Google for ‘World Heart’, and we are continuing to work with them to develop their rankings for ‘Cardiovascular Health’.

World Heart Federation website shown on mobile devices
Quote marks

Optima have worked alongside our team at WHF for over 10 years and have worked hard to understand our organisation, our goals and needs.

They come back to us in a timely manner with ideas and solutions – we are always in touch online and face to face here in Geneva and they always deliver. The entire team is knowledgeable, professional, friendly and a joy to work with.”

Mihela Kralj

Communications Manager, WHF


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How Belvin Construction built a company and a brand from scratch.